Fruit Trees Project
In 1986 we started our first program of Planting Fruit Trees in Karadi.
At our first meeting two medical students visiting Karadi were invited to distribute the first saplings.
This was our initial project. In the following years 8 or 10 villages were selected and 20,000+ fruits trees were distributed for planting each year. Each household was given 5 to 6 saplings of different fruit trees. These included mango, chikoo, coconut, ramphal, lemon, jamrukh, papaya, dadam, saragvo, etc. for planting in their backyard or vado. Over the years we have planted 300,000 fruits trees in 56 villages.
A breakdown of the Fruit Trees planted:
Most Household in the Has been given a selection
following 58 villages: of 6 plants each from
the following: Total
____________________ _______________________ ____
Aat/Avada Falia/Alura Coconut 50,000
Bhutshal/Bodali/Bhatha Mango 33,000
Bori Falia/Bhinar Dadam 24,000
Chijgam/Chhapra Jamboo 9,500
Dandi/Delvada/Eru Chikoo 35,000
Karadi/Kalthan Jamphal 20,500
Khandrak/Khumblav Sitaphal 38,000
Jalalpore/Vijalpore Kaju 3,000
Mandria/Manjapore Lemon 39,500
Moti Kakrad/Nani Kakrad Papaya 22,500
Moti Pethan/Nani Pethan Ramphal 11,500
Nava Gam/Onjal/Pursholi/Pardi Seragvo 3,500
Samapore/Sagra/Sultanpore _____
Tavdi/Veraval/ and 20 others villages TOTAL 300,000
A total of 300,000 fruit trees of the above variety have been distributed and planted to-date. The trees are planted in the front and/or the backyards of each household and aims to meet the basic nutritional needs of the family. Under this programme from 1987, some 20,000+ trees are planted in 8 to 10 villages each year.
Following pages show fruit trees being distributed to the various Villages over the years.
Distribution in Onjal
Distribution in Delvada
Distribution in Tavdi
Distribution in Mirjapore
2017 Activity – 8000 Saplings Distributed