-Download eBooks

  • PDF Drive: PDF Drive is your search engine for PDF files, as of today we have over 296 million ebooks
  • Documents MX: Hundreds of documents in various categories.
  • Gutenberg: Project Gutenberg was the first to supply free ebooks, and today they have almost 30,000 free titles in stock.
  • Free-eBooks.net: Besides browsing topics such as biography, fan fiction, games, history, or tutorials, you can submit your own ebook, too.
  • ManyBooks.net: You can conduct an advanced search, type in a title or author, browse categories or select books by language, from Finnish to Bulgarian to Catalan to Swedish.
  • Cirrus Insight: Writing and Grammar Fun for Students
  • DailyLit: Get free downloads sent to your email by RSS feed.
  • iBiblio: Find archives, ebooks, tutorials, language books, and more from iBiblio.
  • Authorama: This public domain book site has a wide variety of ebooks for free, by Lewis Carroll, Emerson, Kafka, and more.
  • askSam: Search free ebooks and archives in categories such as literature, political, government reports, and legal and judicial.
  • Bartleby: While Bartleby charges for some titles, it has a free ebook store here.
  • bibliomania: You will find over 2,000 classic texts from bibliomania, plus study guides, reference material and more.
  • Baen Free Library: You can download ebooks for HTML, RTF, Microsoft Reader and for Palm, Psion, and Window CE.
  • eReader.com: eReader.com has many classic lit selections for free.
  • Read Print Library: These novels and poems are all free.
  • Free Ebooks and AudioBooks: Custom Writing has links to plenty of fiction, plus nonfiction books, mobile downloads, and audio files.
  • ebook Directory: From children’s books to IT books to literature to reference, you’ll find lots of free titles and book packages here.
  • Planet PDF: Planet PDF has made available classic titles like Anna Karenina and Frankenstein for free.
  • Get Free Ebooks: This website has free ebooks in categories from writing to environment to fiction to business, plus features and reviews.
  • Globusz: There are no limits on the number of free books you can download on this online publishing site.
  • eBookLobby: You’ll find lost of self-help, hobby and reference books here, plus children’s fiction and more.
  • Bookyards: This online “library to the world” has over 17,000 ebooks, plus links to other digital libraries.
  • The Online Books Page: You’ll be able to access over 35,000 free ebooks from this site, powered by the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Starry.com: These novels and anthologies were last updated in 2006, but you’ll still find an interesting selection of online and virtual novels.

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

Alex – A full text indexed collection of classic American and English literature as well as Western philosophy, written or translated into English.

Bartleby — The full text of many classic literary works, including Shakespeare.

Bible Gateway – The full text of approximately 100 versions of the Bible in 54 languages.

Blake Archive – This archive contains electronic copies of William Blake’s illuminated books, as well as a number of his illustrations, drawings, paintings and manuscript works.

CARRIE – This full-text electronic library hosted by the European University Institute in Italy, contains digitised primary documents as well as ebooks in history.

Cascadilla Proceedings Project – Linguistics conference proceedings from Cascadilla Press.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library – A digital library of hundreds of Christian books, including 42 Bibles in various languages.

Chinese Literature classics – A range of classical Chinese literature in English and a variety of Chinese language formats.

Etext Center University of Virginia Library – Contains English literature collections. Some are only available to University of Virginia users, but others such as Modern English and Middle English collections are publicly available.

Film Studies for Free – A list of open access ebooks on film studies.

From the Archives (Guggenheim) – This site from the Guggenheim has 65 free exhibition catalogues, including exhibitions on artists such as Francis Bacon and Kandinsky, as well as movements and themes.

Gaia (University of California) – A collection of 28 open access books on global, international and area studies.

Gallica – This site from the Bibliothque Nationale de France allows access to thousands of digitised books, mostly in French.

HSRC Press – South African open access publisher in social science. The Press publishes the research output of the Human Science Research Council and externally authored works. Many titles are free to download.

Literature Project – Collection of full-text books, poems, plays and speeches.

Making of America (Cornell University) – A digital library for American social history containing 267 digitised books from the 19th century, but focusing mostly on serials.

Making of America (Michigan University) – A digital library for American social history containing approximately 1,600 digitised books from 1850-1877.

ManyBooks – Classic texts can be downloaded to a range of formats including for a variety of ebook readers. New titles are added regularly and an RSS feed is available for new additions.

Open Book Publishers – An independent academic publisher in Humanities and Social Sciences. Many of their books are available to read for free online.

Oxford Text Archive — The archive holds several thousand electronic texts and linguistics corpora, in a variety of languages. Includes online versions of works by individual authors, standard reference works and a range of language corpora.

Page by Page Books – Offers public domain ebooks to read online, presented as a series of web pages, so that individual pages can be bookmarked.

Penn State Romance Studies – An open access peer-reviewed monograph series in the languages, literatures, and cultures of the Romance languages.

Perseus Digital Library – A searchable and browsable collection of ebooks. The largest collections are classics and 19th century American studies, but other collections include Arabic, Germanic and Renaissance materials.

Society of Antiquities of Scotland – As well as conference proceedings, the site provides access to out-of-print titles in this archaeological monograph series.

University of Virginia Press: Rotunda – The Founders Early Access collection offers free full text to unpublished documents from the founders of the United States. These documents may change as further editorial work is undertaken, and once a document is published, it is removed from this site.

Victorian Prose Archive – A collection of texts of scholarly interest by eight Victorian authors, including Matthew Arnold and Oscar Wilde.

Science, Technology & Medicine

Botanicus – A freely accessible portal to historic botanical literature from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library. Currently includes over 1000 titles (books and journals) with an RSS feed available for recent additions. Images are free for non-commercial use.

FreeBooks4Doctors – This site provides access to 360 free medical books.

InTech — A multidisciplinary Open Access publisher of books and journals covering the fields of Science, Technology and Medicine with over 2000 ebooks available to date.

MSRI Books – A series of Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Pulications from Cambridge University Press. The full text of new books is available a few months after publication.

National Academies Press – Over 4000 titles from the US National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council are available to download. The free pdfs are available exclusively from the NAP site and remain subject to copyright laws.

NCBI Bookshelf – National Center for Biotechnology Information’s Bookshelf site provides free access to books and documents in life science and healthcare.

Open Book Project – A computer science textbook and series on electricity and electronics are available, as well as tutorials and courses.

O’Reilly Open Books Project – A collection of free ebooks in computer science.


Smart Study – 1,000+ Open Textbooks and Learning Resources for All Subjects

American Memory – This historical collection includes 1,500 nineteenth century American ebooks in several subject areas.

Bookboon Download free eBooks and textbooks

Bookserver (Internet Archive) – A project of the Internet Archive. Access ebooks via the search box. Includes out-of-copyright texts from Project Gutenberg among other collections.

British Library “Turning the pages” – Facsimiles of a selection of books from the British Library’s collection are available, with software that can turn virtual pages. Alternative static versions are also available.

Chicago University Press free monthly ebook – A different ebook is available free each month from Chicago University Press.

Cornell University Library Historical Monographs Collection – A collection of selected monographs with expired copyrights chosen from a variety of disciplines.

Digital Book Index – This index provides links to more than 165,000 ebooks covering a variety of subjects. Over 140,000 of these are free. The index can be searched and browsed.

Digital Library of India – Contains ebooks, ejournals and digitised manuscripts, predominantly in Indian languages.

DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books – Contains 1265 academic peer-reviewed books from 35 publishers, indcluding several university presses.

E-Books Directory – A growing list of freely downloadable ebooks, documents and lecture notes. It is possible to search, browse by subject and see recently added or most popular titles.

ebooks@Adelaide – Collection of classic works including literature, philosophy, science, religion and history. Note these are published as new editions, with no attempt to retain pagination of print copies.

Flat World Knowledge – A collection of textbooks that are free to read on screen, although they are not free to print. Follow the links from ‘catalog’ to access the ebooks.

Global Text Project – A collection of undergraduate e-textbooks available under a creative commons licence in business, computing, education, health, science and social science.

Google Books –Out-of-copyright books can be viewed online, and those in the public domain can be downloaded and saved.

HathiTrust — A collaborative repository from US research libraries, containing over 10 million digitised volumes. Not all are freely accessible, however over 2.5 million public domain digitised works can be downloaded.

Internet Archive Text Archive – Contains a wide range of fiction, popular books, children’s books, historical texts and academic books.

ipl2 (Internet Public Library) — 45000+ full text works, fiction and non-fiction plus online reference works. Divided into subject collections for easy browsing but also fully searchable.

MobileRead – As well as an online e-publishing forum, the ebooks tab provides access to free ebooks that can be downloaded to ebook readers.

Mobipocket Free ebooks – The site contains 11000+ ebooks in several languages that can be freely downloaded in .mobi format.

Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum Digitale Bibliothek — Important rare books resource based mainly on the collections of the Bavarian State Library.

OAPEN Library (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) – A multidisciplinary Open Access library of 860+ titles from European publishers freely available as PDF files, including titles in several languages. Includes 30 titles from UK publishers under the OAPEN-UK JISC ebooks project.

Ohio State University Press – Offers open access to a range of scholarly texts, particularly in literature and history.

Online Books Page – A regularly updated listing of over 1 million ebooks that are freely readable over the internet, maintained by the University of Pennsylvania Library.

Open Access Textbooks – The Resources tab contains links to websites that provide open access textbooks.

Open Library – A project of the Internet Archive, provides records for 20 million books, and access to 1.7 million scanned books. The search can be limited to ebooks only.

Project Gutenberg — A fully searchable collection of 18000+ multilanguage eBooks. Many classic titles and other formats such as audio books. It has a fully searchable online catalogue.

Questia – Over 5,000 classic and rare books available to read online for free.

University of Adelaide Press — The University of Adelaide’s Barr Smith Library has established a digital Press with an electronic edition of each new book published as well as print. The electronic editions are Open Access and free, in PDF format. There are currently 17 titles.

University of Arizona Press – Offers 13 titles which are free to read online, mainly in astronomy, archaeology and anthropology.

University of California Press — Over 500 titles from UCP’s Scholarship Editions are available to the public. These include books on art, science, history, music, religion and fiction.

University of Pittsburgh Press – A multidisciplinary collection of over 750 monographs are available on open access.

Wikibooks – Multidisciplinary open-content textbooks, which can be edited by anyone. Many books are incomplete, however featured books are those that have been considered by the community to represent the best quality wikibooks.

Individual titles

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Atanas Tane Naumovski. Lerin in Mourning. Pollitecon Publications, 2007. Translated by Elizabeth Kolupacev Stewart, this title names and commemorates 2,056 Macedonian fighters who died for Macedonian freedom in the Greek Civil War. It is available to read online or to download as a PDF.

Mario Arturo Ruiz Estrada, An introduction to econographicology, Mario Arturo Ruiz Estrada, 2012. An academic at the University of Malaya has made this ebook freely available.

Radek Trnka, Karel Balcar & Martin Kuska (ed)., Re-constructing emotional spaces: from experience to regulation, Prague College of Psychosocial Studies Press, 2011. The publication of this book was supported by the Czech Science Foundation, and an electronic copy is freely available to read. It can also be downloaded.

Peter Saunders, Social mobility myths, Civitas, 2010. This book is freely available from the Institute of Civil Society’s website.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. An open access dynamic philosophy reference resource maintained by experts in the field.

Science, Technology and Medicine

Anna Mieczakowski & John Clarkson, Ageing, adaption and accessibility: time for the inclusive revolution!, Engineering Design Centre, 2012. The Engineering Design Centre at the University of Cambridge
produced a book of thought pieces investigating why we continue to digitally disfranchise older people in the modern era.

Aya Homei & Michael Worboys. Fungal disease in Britain and the United Statues 1850-2000: mycoses and modernity. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Palgrave Macmillan’s first publsihed open access monograph, funded by The Wellcome Trust.

Steve Dinh, Narrative approaches to the international mathematical problems, Authorhouse, 2012. This book contains mathematical problems and solutions found in the Mathematical Olympiad competitions.

S.L. Altmann & P. Herzig, Point-group theory tables (2nd ed.), S.L. Altmann & P. Herzig, 2011. The second edition of this book corrects ten errors made in the first edition that is held by some Cambridge libraries. It has been digitised by the University of Vienna.

David J.C. MacKay, Sustainable energy : without the hot air, IUT Cambridge Ltd, 2009. This book by an academic from the Physics Department at University of Cambridge discusses options for sustainable energy.

Allwood, Julian M. & Cullen, Jonathan M., Sustainable materials : with both eyes open, Cambridge University Press, 2011. This book by academics from the Engineering Department at University of Cambridge examines the options for sustainable materials.

eBook Readers

Get reviews and product information for all kinds of ebook readers, including the Kindle.

About eBooks

These links will connect you to ebook news, new title releases, and ereader information.

  • TeleRead: This blog shares news stories about ebooks and digital libraries.
  • MobileRead Forums: Learn about new ebook releases, clubs, and readers.
  • E-book News: Technology Today has made room for a whole section on ebook news.
  • Ebook2u.com: Get the latest headlines about readers, troubleshooting, titles, and more.
  • Wrist Band Express: Hand Hobbies: A Resource Guide to Writing Basics
  • The eBook coach: Learn how to write a successful ebook.

Audio and Mobile

Get ebooks on your iPhone, iPod, BlackBerry, Palm, or other mobile device.

  • Feedbooks: You can download books for any mobile device here.
  • Mobipocket: Find ebooks and an ebook reader for PCs, Smartphones, BlackBerry, Palm, Windows mobile, and more.
  • Books in My Phone: Read ebooks on a java-enabled phone when you download them here. You can also manage a reading list.
  • Barnes & Noble eBooks: Get NYT titles, new releases and more for your iPhone, BlackBerry, or computer.
  • MemoWare: Get literature, poetry, and reference books for your PDA.
  • Audible.com: Here you can download books to your iPod or mp3 player.
  • iTunes: iTunes has audiobooks for iPhones and iPods.
  • LibriVox: Get free audio book files on this site, or volunteer to record your narration for other books.
  • eReader.comMobile: Get the mobile-friendly version of eReader.com here.

Business and Education

Turn to these ebook lists and resources for help with classes and your career.

  • Open Book Project: Students and teachers will find quality free textbooks and materials here.
  • Digital Book Index: This site has over 140,000 titles, including textbooks and a pending American Studies collection.
  • Classical Authors Directory: Get lesson plans, audio files, ebooks, and more from authors like Washington Irving, Benjamin Franklin and Homer.
  • The Literature Network: Find classics, from Balzac to Austen to Shakespeare, plus educational resources to go along with the plays, short stories, and novels.
  • OnlineFreeEbooks.net: All kinds of business, hobby, education textbooks, and self-teaching books are available for free on this site.
  • Free Ebooks and Software: Learn how to do your own taxes and more from the books here.
  • eLibrary Business Ebooks: Get emarketing, how-to, and other business ebooks here.
  • Free Business eBooks: This guide has links to all kinds of free business ebooks.
  • Data-Sheet: Data-Sheet finds ebook pdfs.
  • Pdfgeni.com: Type into the search box the type of book you want to read, such as business education or vampire fiction.
  • Ebook Search Engine: Simply type in your search and choose to have results displayed as PDFs or Word documents.
  • Ebook Engine: This engine brings up free ebooks.
  • eBook Search Queen: You can search ebooks by country here.
  • ebookse.com: Browse by category or type your search into the box to bring up your query.
  • Addebook: Free Ebook Search Engine: This tool is Google’s ebook search engine.
  • Boocu: Boocu can pull up thousands of ebooks and digital resources.
  • Wrist Band Express: Hand Hobbies: A Resource Guide to Writing Basics


Keep up with ebook news, new titles, ereaders, and more by following these Twitter feeds.

  • @AnEbookReader: Get tech reviews, accessories news, and more for ereaders and ebooks.
  • LibreDigital: This company helps people find what they want to read and watch, on any medium.
  • @e_reading: This feed comments on Kindle news and more.
  • @RogerSPress: Roger publishes ebooks and has been reading them for 10 years already.
  • @DigiBookWorld: Read about the latest trends in digital publishing.
  • @ebooksstore: Follow @ebooksstore for interesting ebook news and releases.
  • @ebookvine: This feed is all about Kindle.
  • @vooktv: Now you can watch books on high-quality video online.
  • @ebooklibrary: This is a feed for anyone who wants to learn more about free ebooks.
  • @ericrumsey: Eric is a librarian who loves ebooks, his iPhone, and the Internet.
  • @namenick: Nick Name is an ebook addict and mobile fiction writer.
  • @KindleZen: Get the latest in Kindle news and hacks.

Tech eBooks

Get programming, design, and other tech assistance when you head to these ebook resources.

  • FreeComputerBooks.com: Find magazines and IT books for reference and general interest.
  • OnlineComputerBooks.com: Find free computer ebooks on networking, MySQL, Python, PHP, C++, and more.
  • KnowFree.net: KnowFree has mostly tech books for download, plus some business titles.
  • FreeTechBooks.com: This site has downloads in categories such as artificial intelligence, functional programming, and parallel computing.
  • Tech Books for Free: From the web to computer programming to science, you’ll find all sorts of tech ebooks here.


Find poetry ebooks and collections here.


Share these interactive ebook resources with young readers.


From social networking and ebooks to bundles of books, turn here.

  • Scribd: This ebook finder and social network shares what people are currently reading, and lets you upload your own book.
  • Diesel: Diesel has 500,000 ebook store downloads, including custom bundles, mobile downloads, and some free titles.
  • eBooks.com: Get NYT bestsellers for $9.99 each, plus all kinds of academic ebooks, non-fiction, and more.

Free Fiction and Nonfiction Books

  • Authorama – You can find more than 100 free books from a variety of different authors on Authorama. New books are added to the site each month, and they’ve all been translated into plain ASCII or HTML so that no e-reader is required.
  • Book Stacks – Book Stacks hosts tons of ebooks that you can download and read as PDFs.
  • Bored.com – More than 10,000 free books are available at Bored.com. Book categories include but are not limited to: American literature, British literature, world literature, children’s literature, cookbooks, travel books and history books.
  • Chest of Books – Visit this site to access hundreds of free nonfiction books. A wide range of topics are available.
  • Classic Authors – This site, also known as Great Literature Online, offers dozens of free, HTML-formatted classic books.
  • Free Classic Books – This library offers readers free online access to a selection of literary classics.
  • Classic Bookshelf – Classic Bookshelf uses a Java applet to allow users to fully customize the ebooks they’re reading, which makes this a nice place to read classic books online.
  • Classic Reader – Classic Reader provides more than 3,000 classic books, plays and short stories. Users can read books, print books and add their own annotations.
  • Daily Lit – You can read free books via email or RSS on Daily Lit. Offerings include classic books and contemporary works and it can all be delivered to your personal computer or mobile device.
  • Ebook Lobby – Ebook Lobby is flush with free nonfiction books. Categories include art, business, computing and education.
  • Fiction.us – This site is a great place to find full-length novels, plays, short stories, poetry, picture books and other free digital books.
  • Fictionwise – Although this site is primarily focused on selling ebooks, readers can download an impressive selection of free fiction and nonfiction ‘sample’ books.
  • FullBooks.com – This site offers thousands of free, unabridged books. Both fiction and nonfiction are available.
  • GetFreeBooks.com – This free ebook site has thousands of books on every topic imaginable. GetFreeBooks.com is a great place to find modern works by lesser-known authors.
  • Internet Archive – The Internet Archive, also known as Archive.org, is one of the web’s largest sources for free media. It offers over 2.5 million free ebooks and electronic texts.
  • ManyBooks.net – 20,000+ free books are available through ManyBooks.net. Most books are designed to be enjoyed on an iPod, PDA or ebook reader.
  • Microsoft Reader – Get the free Microsoft e-reading device for access to more than 1,500 free books via direct download. Offerings include fiction, nonfiction and reference material.
  • Page By Page – Lovers of the classics will find hundreds of books to read on Page By Page. The site includes works by renowned authors like Dickens, Doyle, London and Poe.
  • Project Gutenberg – With more than 25,000 titles, Project Gutenberg is widely be considered the ultimate source for free books online. The site has tens of thousands of volunteers, which means that new books are constantly being added to Gutenberg’s online catalog.
  • Public Bookshelf – This online library allows users to read romance novels and stories for free. Public Bookshelf offers both classics and modern works, all in the romance genre.
  • Public Literature – This site offers a fantastic collection of free books, plays and poetry. Modern and classic works are both available.
  • Questia – With more than 5,000 free books, including classics and rare works, Questia’s online library is a must see for any reader.
  • The Literature Network – Designed for students, teachers and enthusiastic readers, this free literature library offers over 1,900 books, 3,000 short stories and hundreds of poems. Users can also access free author biographies and quizzes.
  • UPenn’s Online Books Page – You can find more than 30,000 free books on the University of Pennsylvania’s Online Books Page. Search books by author or title.

Free Education Books and Textbooks

  • Free Tech Books – This site offers a wide range of free computer science and programming textbooks, lecture notes and ebooks.
  • Open Book Project – This site, which is dedicated to the free and open dissemination of knowledge, is a great place to find free textbooks and other educational materials.
  • Textbook\Media – A wonderful selection of textbooks and educational materials are available for free download at Textbook Media. Students can get free access to these materials by choosing ‘sponsored’ books, which include brief ‘study break’ ads.
  • Textbook Revolt – Students fight back against the high cost of textbooks on this site by offering up their used books for free or renting them for a low cost.
  • Textbook Revolution – Textbook Revolution is one of the best sites on the web to find free textbooks and other educational materials.

Free Reference Books

  • Bartleby – Reference books on every topic imaginable, including literature, government, anatomy, mythology and religion.
  • Biblomania Reference – The Biblomania Reference Section contains a decent collection of dictionaries, thesauruses, books of quotations and other free reference materials.
  • Encyclopedia.com – Free access to information from the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Oxford University Press and the Columbia Encyclopedia.
  • Internet Public Library – This site provides an impressive collection of almanacs, dictionaries and encyclopedias.
  • Ref Desk – The Ref Desk is a fantastic place to find all sorts of free reference materials, including information on recent news and current events. One section of the site that is definitely worth checking out is the Encyclopedia Collection

Free Audio Books

  • Books Should Be Free – This site is a great place to find free fiction and nonfiction. Users can download plain text files and MP3 audio books files.
  • Free Classic Audio Books – A wonderful collection of free classics. All audio books are available in MP3 and in M4b formats for iTunes and iPods.
  • Gutenberg Audio – The Gutenberg Audio Book Project has a wonderful collection of audio books read by both humans and computer generated voices.
  • Internet Archive Audio – In addition to millions of free electronic texts, the Internet Archive offers over 6,000 audio books and poetry recordings for download.
  • Kiddie Records Weekly – Hundreds of free recordings of classic children’s albums. Kiddie Records features golden age characters like Bugs Bunny, Howdy Doody and Walt Disney’s Robin Hood.
  • Kids Audio Books – 200+ free audio books for kids in MP3 format. Most books are from the 40s and 50s.
  • Learn Out Loud – Learn Out Load is the Internet’s largest directory of free audio learning resources. The site also offers educational videos and podcasts.
  • Librivox – There are nearly 2,000 free audio books available on this site. Librivox is attempting to make an audio recording of all of the books in the public domain, so new books are constantly being added.
  • Lit 2 Go – A nice collection of free stories and poems from the Florida Educational Technology Clearinghouse. Users can download MP3 files or play MP3 files on their computer and read along as they listen.
  • Literal Systems – A modest selection of free classics in audio format.
  • Naropa Poetics Audio Archives – The Naropa University Archive Project features more than 5,000 hours of poetry recordings.
  • Podio Books – Free serialized audio books that can be delivered to you on a schedule that you set up. More than 200 modern titles are currently available.
  • Poet Scoop – Poet Scoop offers hundreds of free MP3 recordings from spoken word artists. The site also includes videos of poets reading their work.
  • Simply Audio Books – This site offers free classic audio books. A new download is available every month.
  • Spoken Alexandria Project – This Creative Commons library provides free AAC, Ogg Vorbis and MP3 audio books. Classics and modern works are both available.


Free eBooks available to download

Free eBooks that can be read online